RSP 2020 is held this year as a virtual event through Whova platform, as the other associated ESWEEK events.
In this regard, we request the authors of accepted papers to prepare and upload a video of their presentation before September 15th. Pre-recorded video presentations and PDF versions of each paper will be available through Whova before the workshop. Attendees will be able to post questions to authors or upvote existing questions in the Q&A forums of each paper provided within Whova.
In addition, we propose live technical sessions on Thursday (Sept 24). These sessions will be short due to the constraint of different time zones. The authors are requested to participate and to present an overview of their papers in 3-minute lightning talks at the beginning of the live session. The remainder of the session is dedicated to live Q&A between authors and attendees, including questions previously posted in the Q&A forums as moderated by the Session Chairs.
Guidelines for preparing the pre-recorded video presentation
Recommended approach to record your video from the content displayed on your computer screen and voice recorded via the computer microphone is to record the presentation using a video conferencing tool, such as Zoom. In this method, you can show your face via webcam (if you would like) and display your slides as you talk. You can use any meeting software as long as you get a good quality recording and your final file is in the MP4 format. Here are some links to instructions on recording a meeting on common platforms:
The voice-over feature of PowerPoint is another possibility but it only allows capturing slides (Create Voice Over Power point and convert to MP4)
Video file requirements
Tips for Recording
Please upload your pre-recorder video presentation to any online storage system (local to your institution, or others such as Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive) and send an accessible link to Amer Baghdadi (
We will then upload this video to the Whova platform to make it accessible to RSP and ESWEEK attendees.
If you have uploaded or plan to upload your video to Youtube or Vimeo, then we can simply indicate the video link in the Whova platform.